Saturday, January 21, 2012

3 Ports of Call

The ship provided us a shuttle to downtown Key West, using the Conch Tour Trains that are seen all over Key West. We saw Mile Marker "0" which represents the beginning of the South-to-North Mile Marker system stretching all the way up the East Coast to the Canadian border. The walk around Key West was reminiscent of our drive to this Southernmost US location, during the winter after Cynthia's retirement three years ago. We found a Key Lime Pie shop, enjoyed a frozen lime-aid, and browsed through several of the many tourist shops before returning to the ship for an afternoon time by the pool onboard the ship. The sun and the warm temperature are a welcome change from the cool and breezy sea day sailing south from Charleston.
On Tuesday, we awoke to a dockside view of the harbor at Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. We were docked adjacent to the Norwegian Sky, which we remembered from earlier years on the ships of NCL. We visited the vendor Plaza near the ships, and then returned for another afternoon of swimming and enjoying the Water Park on the back deck of the Fantasy. I climbed to the top of the launching area for the twisting and turning water slide called the Twister. It is cantilevered over the side of the ship, so part of the slide is over the ocean water below. What a thrill! Minimum height is required, but I am glad there is no maximum age limit!
Late afternoons include time for a nap before dinner, then dinner in the Celebration Dining Room, and some type of stage show each night after dinner. So far, the trip has been a wonderfully relaxing vacation time.

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