Tuesday, April 10, 2012

6 Sailing on the Norwegian SUN

We're having a great time so far on the Norwegian SUN. We sailed Saturday evening from Port Canaveral, heading south to warm waters. By the next morning, we were tied up at the dock in Nassau, in the Bahamas. Since it was a port day, with people leaving the ship to go ashore at 8 am, I had wondered if anyone would be present for the Easter Service that was scheduled at 9 am.
But when the service began, upwards of 100 persons were in their seats in a bright, sunny lounge near the front of the ship on an upper deck. It was a great service, with persons from many different denominations present. There was even a family from England who were present also.
Later in the day, Cynthia and I went ashore in Nassau and walked around the city near the cruise ship pier area. Then Monday was a sea day as we made our way south to the US Virgin Islands. Today we are in St. Thomas, so we have been ashore to walk around the crowded streets and alley-ways that are a hallmark of this bustling tourist center. I have found an internet cafe at the Senior Frog's hangout near the ship. You can certainly tell it is Spring Break, since there seem to be 500 college age young people hanging out here next to the ship. It is almost sailing time, so I'll wrap up for this time. Tomorrow is San Juan, then another sea day as we sail back toward the Bahamas. Stay tuned!

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